Sustainable Directions Pty Ltd was established in South Australia in 2008 to provide ENVIRO advice and guidance to small to medium size businesses, in particular the early learning sector. In 2013, operations moved to Queensland and the company concentrated on delivering online training solely to early learning services. SAFETY courses were added in 2016 after feedback from customers. The company managed to survive through the COVID crisis and in fact increased sales across Australia as online training became a more popular training delivery method.


Our aim is to equip Early Childhood Educators with the necessary skills and knowledge to create a sustainable and safe learning environment for children in their care.


Our programs and courses are delivered from the TEACHABLE online learning platform - providing self-paced access to you on a 24/7 basis. The online PROGRAMS can be completed anywhere, anytime and at your own pace. Certificates are issued on successful completion.


You can contact us at [email protected] or on 0416 097 790 during normal business hours.

Sustainable Directions Pty Ltd

ABN 30139350691